If you have a recurve bow and are looking for a stable, smooth and precise target shooting with the help of an arrow rest, you need to know how to install an arrow rest on a recurve bow.
There are two different methods for installing an arrow rest on a recurve bow: screw-in and stick-on. For screw-in, put arrow rest inside the first hole of the bow riser and a plunger into the second one. Align the arrow rest properly and tighten the screw. Adjust riser bolt upon requirement. For stick-on, clean the bow riser, resize the arrow rest if required, remove the self adhesive paper and stick the arrow rest on the bow riser by applying some glue on the arrow base plate and bow riser.
In this article, we will help you go through the process of arrow rest installation on a recurve bow – step by step.
Arrow Rest: Specification and Purpose
Arrow rest is an important accessory for your archery. It is an additional set up for your bow. As per the name, it allows your arrow to rest. It needs to be attached to your bow and it keeps the arrows still during the shooting process.
Providing a more reliable base for your arrows, it ensures smooth arrow flights and precise target shooting. Since arrow rest stabilizes your arrow and offers you minimum vibration while releasing the arrow (making it smooth), you get a more accurate shooting with the help of arrow rest.
The arrow rest helps you in both archery target shooting and bow hunting. But to get this advantage, you must know about how to install an arrow rest on a recurve bow first.
How To Install An Arrow Rest On A Recurve Bow
You will find different forms of arrow rests based upon different types of bows. Without the necessary info, installing an arrow rest might appear difficult to you. Don’t worry. Here, we are going to enlighten you with the step-by-step process on arrow rest installation on a recurve bow.
Go through the following steps to learn and apply the simple DIY methods on your own.
As mentioned before, there are two methods available for you to set your arrow rest on the recurve bow. Here are the step by step guides:
In this process, the arrow rest is supposed to be screwed to the riser of your recurve bow. This one is more preferable in archery target shooting as it comes with more stability. There is the least possibility of falling off the bow from vibration while releasing the arrow. Follow the following steps:
Step 1: Firstly, get a fresh place to get your job done.
Step 2: It’s time to locate the two holes in your bow riser. You will find them at the front of the riser.
Step 3: Now, in the first hole, put your arrow rest.
Step 4: Put the plunger into the other one.
Step 5: Align your arrow rest properly with your bow.
Step 6: Then, you need to bolt the screws carefully into the holes. While doing so, make sure that the direction for both the screws and riser holes are the same.
Step 7: Tighten the screw carefully and as much as you can.
Step 8: Inspect the arrow rest installation.
Step 9: You may need to loosen or tighten the riser bolt as per your comfort upon inspection.
While installing arrow rest on a recurve bow through screw-in process, maintain a distance of ? of an inch between the arrow and the bow sight lens’s base.
Did the earlier part appear a bit complex for your first time installation of arrow rest on your recurve bow? Worry not! We have an alternative for your ease.
Stick-on method is applied by sticking the arrow rest on the recurve bow with adhesive. And the amazing part is that, this type of arrow rest comes with adhesive paper on themselves. It’s so easy even for a beginner. Follow the following steps to get the job done:
Step 1: Ensure a neat and clean workspace.
Step 2: Remove any dirt or unwanted parts from the workstation.
Step 3: Now, you need to make the bow riser of your bow clean to get rid of any dirt, filth, debris, or old glue.
Step 3: Then, put the arrow rest on the bow riser.
Step 4: If your arrow rest matches with your bow riser perfectly, then this step is not for you. But upon other circumstances, draw an outline on the arrow rest to adjust it smoothly with your bow riser.
Step 5: After ensuring that the arrow rest is the exact fit for your bow riser, it’s time to Take off the self adhesive coverings of the arrow rest.
Step 6: Use some glue on the surface of the base of your arrow plate and the riser carefully.
Step 7: Then align arrow plate with your bow handle vertically. While doing so, maintain the same distance as screw-in method (? of an inch) between the sight lens and the arrow.
Step 8: After positioning the arrow rest carefully, put firm pressure on it with a view to fastening to the bow and hold it for a couple of seconds.
Step 9: Let the glue dry up.
There you are. You have successfully installed the arrow rest on your recurve bow.
Should you use an arrow rest on a recurve bow?
In general, it’s not a must for you to use an arrow rest on a recurve bow; you can shoot an arrow without the rest in the first place. But, an arrow rest will give you advantages like a smooth, non-shaky, and more accurate target shooting by stabilizing the arrow while shooting. On top of that, ‘shelf rest’ is designed to protect the wood surface of your bow. Thus, it is recommended to use one.
Does arrow rest affect accuracy?
Arrow rest has a good impact on your shooting accuracy and that means it doesn’t affect the goal. On the other hand, keeping an arrow rest farther than required from the bow handle might get you a better accuracy.
Where does arrow rest go on recurve bow?
Arrow rest is positioned on the side of the recurve bow shaft. They are designed for a more stable and accurate shooting.
Final Words
To secure the advantage of using an arrow rest with your recurve bow while shooting, you need to mount an arrow rest first. And for doing so, you should have the knowledge of how to install an arrow rest on a recurve bow.
With the above mentioned details, now you shouldn’t have any issues in performing the DIY methods. For better understanding, you might take help from an expert only by watching him/her how to do it. That’ll be sufficient for you to do it on your own.
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